by VicostoneVicostone Borghini, influenced by the renowned Calacatta Borghini marb...
Vicostone Borghini, influenced by the renowned Calacatta Borghini marble, showcases bold stream veins traversing the surface. The textured veins exhibit warm hues and subtle transitions in color, imbuing the slab with a sense of depth and movement.
Luna Plena
by VicostoneLuna Plena is reminiscent of the peaceful radiance of a full moon. Its...
Luna Plena is reminiscent of the peaceful radiance of a full moon. Its playful veins enhance the overall appearance and add a touch of whimsy to the design, with a bright and dynamic appearance that will surely inspire creativity in any room.
Desert Silver
by SilestoneSoft grey and white mottling in the background etched with delicate wh...
Soft grey and white mottling in the background etched with delicate white veins throughout invoke the feeling of stillness and tranquility - this stone style can be applied to countless designs to suit every taste.
by VicostoneVicostone Tartufo captures the raw, industrial aesthetic of modern arc...
Vicostone Tartufo captures the raw, industrial aesthetic of modern architecture and bold urban style. The design is a striking blend of dark gray background with prominent veins, adding an extra layer of complexity and interest to its already distinctive look.
Calacatta Idillio
by Q QuartzCalacatta Idillio features a classic romanesque veining pattern on top...
Calacatta Idillio features a classic romanesque veining pattern on top of a warm white base. Anyone looking for that quintessential calacatta marble appearance should consider Calacatta Idillio as a candidate.