by VicostoneVicostone Borghini, influenced by the renowned Calacatta Borghini marb...
Vicostone Borghini, influenced by the renowned Calacatta Borghini marble, showcases bold stream veins traversing the surface. The textured veins exhibit warm hues and subtle transitions in color, imbuing the slab with a sense of depth and movement.
by CambriaAntique gold and stark black veins race neck and neck across a pristin...
Antique gold and stark black veins race neck and neck across a pristine alabaster base in one of the most interesting exercises on contrast to hit the market in 2022. Oakleigh is an immaculate and riveting surface to consider in your project.
Brittanicca Warm
by CambriaBrittanicca Warm replaces the white Brittanicca base with a warmer cre...
Brittanicca Warm replaces the white Brittanicca base with a warmer cream foundation, and the grey veining with bands of soft beige-grey. Whereas the other styles in the Brittanicca series are best utilized in cool-toned color schemes, Brittanicca Warm may be best when rich hardwoods feature prominently in your design.
by CambriaCream, ecru, and seafoam swirl together in this breezy and care-free c...
Cream, ecru, and seafoam swirl together in this breezy and care-free composition by Cambria. Montgomery continues to be a hit in kitchens but is particularly loved for delivering that spa-like essence in baths.
by VicostoneVicostone Delicato is a breathtaking quartz surface that blends gentle...
Vicostone Delicato is a breathtaking quartz surface that blends gentle whites and grays to create a soft, serene ambiance. Inspired by the timeless beauty of natural marble, its delicate veins and intricate patterns evoke a sense of elegance and sophistication that is perfect for any modern kitchen or bathroom.
by VicostoneVicostone Ceres is a captivating blend of natural inspiration, drawing...
Vicostone Ceres is a captivating blend of natural inspiration, drawing from the classic look of Carrara marble and the splendor of the outdoors. The design features a silver pearl base, adorned with striking white and brown striations, making it adaptable to both contemporary and classic interior styles.